Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Again and Again

Time to receive your letter and get ready to enter the University that you might have choosen. But again and again, until you son, daughter, anak, cucu la, still you will find that there are ethnic inequality when come to education. SAD DAY !!!

This problem is not new to everyone in this country, this is the saddest day for all Malaysian. No one even know how the heck the student is being selected, there are so many “unknown” criteria that set by the official. Everyone know that the entry Points for various courses is different for different races. This is the truth as once you enter the university, you will definitely know it. This might sensitive to certain people, but this is the truth in our “3rd class mentality” university education system.

Singapore is so concern of the talented student, and will try their best to tie them, even try to sponsor our student here and “settle” down there. But for Malaysian, it is not. They rather spend the money to compesate those crony stupid company than sponsor the talented student to continue thier “dreams”, and then service the country. Don’t blame the graduates for not coming back to Malaysia and service to the country. You deserve it, padan muka.

For those who fail to get a place in university, go and appeal, appeal to MCA la, they are your "hero", sure they will..... and don't forget to "vote" them you know......

If all this stupid thing is still happening, if every time you need to seek help from this "hero", until your 2020, you still will face this kind of problem...Oh, sorry, not you, your son, daughter, anak cucu cicik....... So, can you PLEASE VOTE OPPOSITION AH, CAN AH? Show your power.

This is a part of the Letter written by a saddest Student to YB LKS.

I just received my IPTA acceptance results today. With utmost disappointment, I fail to secure even a single place in any public university. This really means I am at a dead end as IPTA is the only mean of tertiary education as my family could not afford private degree.

I scored 3 A’s and 1 B for STPM, obtained Band 6 for MUET, participated actively in co-curriculum since junior secondary school. I also scored 9 1A’s and 1 3B in SPM with an 1A in GCE O Level. With these qualifications being considered in IPTA selection, I already fulfilled most of the requirements. Knowing the competition, I steered clear from my main options and settled for only dentistry and biomedicine at various places, including the less prestigous ones.

According to NST, today news:
PUTRAJAYA: Some 40,000 of the nation’s best and brightest students gained entry into public universities this year, but it is expected that a whopping 34,951 who failed in their bid will be making some noise in the days ahead.

I want to raise a question to Higher Education Ministry Director-General Datuk Dr Hassan: "Sure or not? Don't lie la Datuk...".

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