Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year 2007

Wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year. For those who drive, becareful on the road. For those who still receiving ang pow, please la, shang seng ti. People always say, give is better than receive, so stop this "act", ok? Just a joke la... don't take it serious.

Me, my wife PL and HH will be in Penang from Saturday till Wednesday morning. Then back to KL to visit my wife side.

祝福大家新年快樂, 在新的一年裡百尺竿頭!財源廣進!年年有余! 最重要的是身体健康,不要像文杰的黏黏有遗。  


Boon Keat said...

kanineh! why u put my name on? hami si 文杰的黏黏有遗? really kanasia lah lu....

Btw, happy new year and goof luck for the whole boar year!

Kean Hong said...

haha... i learn from u this phrase... use back on u...