Monday, December 31, 2007
Back To KL
Happy New Year 2008 to everybody!
May all your dreams come true!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Pre-Paid my Medical Bill (Part)
Time To Go Home - Bt Ferringhi

Monday, December 24, 2007
Register Yourself as Voter
50 years is enough!
BN - Not A Place for Good Man
To be a good Man, your only choice is to leave BN a.k.a UMNO-BN. That peanut brain Kerismuddin again open his big mouth, threatening to sever all relations with Gerakan.
I think as a responsibility party, it is time for Gerakan to pull out from BN. Else, good luck for Gerakan in the coming GE especially Penang.
2nd Penang Bridge: Stop Work Order
Quote from Thestar:
“The stop-work order was issued when they did not submit a report of their mitigation measures for the sludge disposal,” he told newsmen after opening a recycling campaign here yesterday.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merdeka Review: 没厕所·租店屋·依附华小 淡小飘摇刺痛印裔社会的心

该报告进一步指出:“没有政府的全津贴,大部份淡小在几近坍塌的旧建筑物中办学,在这些建筑物教学并不安全。”“公共工程局也鉴定,一部份淡小建筑物不安全,如森美兰州的双溪柯拉玛园丘淡小(SJK(T) Ladang Sungai Kelamah)。”

乌达雅索利安表示,在园丘淡小面临学生削减的窘境的同时,城市地区的淡小供不应求。他举例说:“巴生新邦立马淡小(SJK(T) Simpang Lima)只有400个学位,可是却录取了500多名学生,还有两百多名学生被拒于门外,我们也不知道该把他们送到哪里去好。”
纪威说,不可增建淡小是政府不成文的政策,因此城市淡小爆满,只能透过“迁校”方式解决。他一脸悲愤地说,一所迁至首都武吉加里尔(Bukit Jalil)的淡小,被迫迁到了火葬场去,新校舍就跟火葬场毗邻。


《1996年教育法令》没有区分“全津贴小学”和“半津贴小学”,反之把所有国民型小学都归为政府资助学校(government-aid school),可享有全部的资助拨款(full grant-in-aid)及资本拨款(capital grant)。
《1996年教育法令》生效后,教育部于1998年通过一份书面指南,把校地属于中央政府的学校划为“sekolah bantuan penuh”(“全津贴学校”),而校地不属于中央政府的学校则划为“sekolah bantuan modal”(“半津贴学校”),以致建在州政府、学校董事会、社团、园丘公司等土地上的华小和淡小,都成为了半津贴学校。【点击:董事须注册教育局却说没表格 董总收集书面资料拟起诉政府】

48亿3730万元的巨额拨款中,政府只拨出区区6484元作为淡小未来五年的发展资金,触怒了早已意识到政策失衡的部份印裔国民。今年三月,600名印裔国民响应了有心公民组织(Group of Concerned Citizens)的号召,到国会大厦向国会在野党领袖林吉祥和首相署部长纳兹里(Nazri Aziz)提呈一份备忘录,呼吁政府莫再把淡小当作油瓶子。【“拉伯,救救我们的淡小!” 六百印裔国会大厦前请愿救校】
社会策略基金会是国大党属下机构,能否在国大党主席三美威鲁在场的情况下,向首相“说真话”,无疑是一大疑问;儿童资讯、学习和发展中心主席比莱纳登(Pillay Nathan)则告诉《独立新闻在线》,他是以经济学者的身份受邀出席上述特别会议,儿童资讯、学习和发展中心并没有接到正式邀请。
Merdeka Review: 马来人原住民同归类土著 平均收入数字说真话了吗?
【本刊陈慧思撰述】2007年12月3日,副乡村与区域发展部长再那阿比丁(Zainal Abidin)以数据论证印裔收入比土著高。他在国会下议院说,2004年各族贫穷和赤贫率是土著8.3%、印裔2.9%,华裔0.6%,而同年各族每月家庭收入数据显示,土著家庭平均月入2711元,印裔3456元,华裔4437元。
过去一直走在原住民人权路上的柯林认为,官方数字匪夷所思,政府把“土著”当作一个族群(ethnic group),是“非常错误”的,因为原住民虽贵为“土著”,但向来没法与马来人同享土著特权;反之,原住民人权遭蚕食的状况时而有之。
砂拉越和沙巴的人口分别在230万至250万左右,根据统计局2000年人口统计,伊班族(Iban)就占了砂拉越总人口的30.1%;卡达山族(Kadazan Dusun)和巴瑶族(Bajau)总共占沙巴州总人口的35.7%。换言之,两州的主要原住民人口就达到150万人。
国大党主席三美威鲁(Samy Vellu)否认印裔被边缘化,且在12月9日大谈反映“印裔成功”的数字,包括原先60%在园丘工作的印裔,目前已有80%人口迁移到城市、印裔失业率仅3.1%、印裔专业人士和经理占劳动人口11.5%、副教授、讲师和护士占19.4%、印裔平均月入3456元等等。
我国在2005年重新调整沿用自1977年的贫穷线收入(Poverty Line Income),把贫穷线收入定在每户家庭月入691元、赤贫线收入定在415元。这个收入且是以每户家庭4.5个成员作为计算单位,换言之,“赤贫人士”是以每月收入少于93元界定,贫穷人士则是月入少于155元的国民。
Merdeka Review: 园丘奠定印度人悲惨命运 歧视性政策拉长历史悲剧
【本刊陈慧思撰述】迪鲁(化名)有两个兄弟,一个20岁,一个22岁,三兄弟都在政府学院求学。11月24日晚上八时,迪鲁与母亲和两个兄弟到首都黑风洞为刚刚动过脊椎手术的父亲祈福。晚上十时回到泊车处取车时,他们遇上了蜂拥而至的镇暴队,与同在当地的八千人被逼回了庙宇的铁栏栅内。接着,警察向内射来阵阵催泪弹和水炮,印裔向外投掷砖块,场面一片混乱。【点击:警方向黑风洞庙发水炮催泪弹 公民组织拟向人权委员会投报】
迪鲁的两兄弟也许冒犯了警察,12月4日凌晨2时,没有着制服的警察出现在迪鲁的家门前,把他两个刚从睡梦中惊醒的兄弟带走。两日后,兄弟俩与另外29人被总检察长提控参与非法集会、企图谋杀和破坏公物,法官拒允31人保释,迪鲁的两兄弟需在扣留所内过日子,直到审讯结束。【点击:采纳总检察长公众利益论 地庭不准31印裔被告保外】
城市印裔劳工的命运,可追溯至英殖民地时期的历史。在英殖民时期,马来人从事传统农业,农产收入是马来苏丹的主要财富来源。19世纪英国工业革命兴起,极需大批原料,为了开发锡矿业和橡胶业,英殖民地政府引进中国人工开采锡矿,又从印度引进淡米尔纳都省(Tamil Nadu)的劳工,到橡胶园工作,造就了今日三大种族共存的局面。印度人的命运,无法与这段历史切割开来。
邱家金指出,英殖民政府没有蓄意推行“分而治之”政策(Divide and Rule Policy);各族群迥异的生活形态,是我国各种族人民各自为政、集群而居的结果。他说:“华人在华人商店购物,印度人在印度商店购物,马来人在马来人商店购物,那时候也有华校、淡小、马来文学校,这些全都不是由英国(政府)创造的。”
走出园丘 印度人由零开始
阿鲁茨万认同上述说法,他补充,在园丘工作时,园丘公司为印度人提供住宿,园丘内也有兴都庙、淡米尔学校、游乐场等设备,因此,在园丘生活的印度人一旦离开园丘,一切必须由零开始。 换言之,印裔园工没有累计资产,一起步即落后其他族群几个马鼻。为此,圣地亚哥认为,国家欠下国内印度人“历史债务”(historical debt)。
因捍卫学术尊严愤而辞去公共策略研究中心(Centre for Public Policy Studies)主任职位的林德宜就曾非议,新经济政策是一项边缘大部分国民、利惠一小撮人的畸形政策;新经济政策非但无法成功塑造各族团结一致的马来西亚,反之把先天成长条件优渥的马来西亚塑造成是一个异常分裂、充满不安、妒嫉、忧愁、没有爱心和不自由的国家。【点击:新经济政策拖累国运衰败 林德宜讥我国为亚洲小猫】
阿鲁茨万提出,新经济政策早已意识到园丘工人的贫穷问题,且计划落实“1973年工人房屋拥有计划”(Workers House Ownership Scheme),可是在20年的推行过程中,只有区区2%园丘工人受惠!
My Knee ACL Operation
Now, the problem is to settle the bill 1st (to purchase the necessary accessories), CASH!
Money, money, money.
Monday, December 17, 2007
See You On Friday
Friday, December 14, 2007
Full Video Clip - VK Lingam
Full version of VK Lingam Video.
The rot has to stop!
Time To Change!
ALIRAN: No to PGCC! Yes to Penang State Park!

Penang Turf Club land (240 acres)
Sold to Abad Naluri ("open recreational space"): RM43 per square foot
After re-zoning (to "mixed development"): value soars to RM250-300psf
Developer makes windfall profits before work can even begin!
Aliran puts the spotlight on an iconic monument to folly known as the Penang Global City Centre Project with an eye-popping development value estimated at RM25 billion. Critics have dubbed it the "Penang Graveyard and Crematorium Complex" because of its proximity to a crematorium and a cemetery. Already a civil society campaign against the PGCC is gaining momentum as more and more Penangites become aware of its horrendous environmental implications. Instead of creating a concrete monstrosity with 40 towers, the government must convert the Turf Club land into a State Park as a legacy for future generations
We are dismayed that the PM has launched the Penang Global City Centre (PGCC) project, because in doing so he has given legitimacy to a project that has not yet been approved by the MPPP and is clearly opposed by large sections of the community. With the enormous prestige and weight of his office behind it and with his call for approvals to be fast-tracked, it will be difficult for the government and municipal council officials concerned to decide and act impartially and objectively. They will be under tremendous pressure to deliver not withstanding the obvious shortcomings of the project.
Moreover it is also shrouded in serious controversy, which he must surely be aware of. Serious questions have been raised about the manner in which the land was converted from ‘Open Space’ to ‘Mixed Development’, about likely traffic congestion, the lack of public consultation, the absence of provision for social housing on the site and the shortage of recreational space in the state.
Private profits trump public park
The site of the project - the present Turf Club racecourse - was originally acquired for a nominal sum and was zoned as ‘Open Space’. This was changed very recently to ‘Mixed Development’, even though public opinion was unanimously against it, judging from the submissions sent in by the public during the 2007 Structure Plan exercise.
By going ahead with the rezoning, the State has acted arbitrarily and sacrificed the interests of the community to abet a group of land speculators who now stand to reap billions of ringgit in profit. Is the developer going to see through the project for the next 15 years or is he going to inflate the land price, make a quick profit and resell the land as was the case in the sale of the land for the Port Klang Free Zone? In the first place, how did the developer acquire the land at such a low price of RM488 million? And where did the money come from?
What any responsible government concerned about the lack of green spaces for the public should have done was to acquire the property from the previous owner at a fair price (based on the recreational value of the land) and then turn it into a public park for the people of Penang and as a legacy for generations to come.
Raising carbon emissions - not cutting them
The developer claims dubiously that the project will have a zero carbon target. This is a misleading claim, because carbon emissions should be measured from the moment work on the project begins and not after it is up and running. The destruction of the turf club environment and the construction of 40 towers, most of them over 40 storeys, are going to generate carbon emissions – not reduce them. Most of the towers will come with five-storey car-parks. And what about the increased volume of traffic and the elevated and widened roads that are bound to add rather than diminish carbon emissions?
If the developer is serious about zero carbon emissions or greening the earth, he would be better off turning the place into a park and planting trees. Since it is quite obvious from the project plans that the developer is more intent on making profits, we have to dismiss the zero-carbon emissions claim as a PR ploy aimed at winning over public support for the plans.
No public consultation
The project is so large that it will affect almost every person in Penang, but there has been very little public consultation or transparent information forthcoming. By our estimate it will generate about 60,000 traffic movements daily which will be channelled into Scotland Road and Jalan Utama (via Jalan Brook). Even now these roads are heavily congested and we worry what effect the huge additional traffic will have. For sure, we can expect more carbon emissions and noise pollution.
The traffic dispersal plan for the project leaves much to be desired based on such failed feeble attempts previously undertaken by the state government. We are therefore asking that the space be preserved for recreational use as a public park.
Traffic nightmare
For such a large project, public consultation was minimal, perfunctory and the areas of concern entirely ignored.
The project was obviously approved in Putrajaya, the plans were finalised without any local input, and it has now been publicly launched with much fanfare. That is not consultation. It smacks of an attempt to ride roughshod over all objections. It is top-down planning of the worst type and is against all principles of participatory democracy.
We call for greater genuine public consultation, as we believe many Penangites would rather see this space as a green lung, which is sadly lacking on the island.
No place for the poor and marginalised
Even though it is official policy that all development must include 30 per cent low-cost housing, inexplicably none will be built on the site. Instead the developer is proposing to build low and low-medium cost housing somewhere else, away from the site, on land he does not even own. We do not understand why he wants to deliberately keep away low income folks – including poor and marginalised Malays, Chinese, Indians and others – from this site.
We urge the Penang Municipal Council to act transparently and in the interest of Penangites by withholding approval for this luxury project, which caters only to the well-heeled. Instead, we call for this land to be turned into an iconic public park that will belong to everyone and be preserved as part of the authentic greening of the earth.
Where is the detailed EIA?
Given the size of the project, we are alarmed that it is being fast-tracked. A preliminary study would only be an eyewash and would not honestly address all the issues that are of serious concern.
We are confident that an honest independent EIA would show up the negative aspects of the project with all its adverse consequences for the environment and traffic as well as the tragic loss of future recreational space.
A major election issue
For all these reasons, we categorically reject the PGCC. We regret that the PM is giving this controversial and unapproved project legitimacy and urging the state authorities to expedite approval for a private firm’s project that would result in huge profits for the developer at the expense of the people of Penang.
We call on the Federal Government, the Penang State Government, the Penang Municipal Council, the Department of the Environment and other relevant approving bodies to reject the plans because it will result in tons of concrete being poured on the last remaining huge open green space on the island that could be turned into a public park.
We serve notice that we will be taking this campaign to the people of Penang through signature petitions, pamphleteering, independent media reports and the Internet to raise awareness of the need to protect and preserve the natural environment for future generations. We will make this a major issue in Penang for the coming general election.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Déjà vu after 20 years
2007 - ISA used in HINDRAF (more news here)
The best way Pak Lah to shut them up up to 2 blardy years.
From Wikipedia:
However, several politicians from the Barisan Nasional coalition, including its largest component party, the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO or Umno), that has governed Malaysia since independence have also criticised the ISA. The fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, went on the record in 1988 to state "If we want to save Malaysia and Umno, Dr Mahathir (then Prime Minister) must be removed. He uses draconian laws such as the Internal Security Act to silence his critics." The year before, he had also stated "Laws such as the Internal Security Act have no place in modern Malaysia. It is a draconian and barbaric law." In 2003 when he became Prime Minister, however, Abdullah called the ISA "a necessary law," and argued "We have never misused the Internal Security Act. All those detained under the Internal Security Act are proven threats to society."
Déjà vu.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Flower In The Pocket
For Ticket: contact KJ at 012-2191860
Arrested Because He Love His Country ......
He (Chin Huat) committed no crime except for his love for the country and to protect and promote the Malaysian Constitution.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tony Pua's Incredulity
I'm sad to say that I was dead wrong. Clearly, many will tell me now that I'm such a terrible judge of character. Not only is our current prime minister a sleeping, absent, incompetent prime minister, his personal integrity and his sincerity in creating a better Malaysia is clearly in doubt.
When the Parliament, the symbol of people's democracy, where its members are themselves elected by the people, becomes a 'forbidden palace' to the people who want their grouses heard, it is the ultimate mockery of "democracy".
You would have read it here in Malaysiakini, where all roads to Parliament are blocked, preventing the people from handing their petition to the people who claim to represent them. Worse, Pak Lah ordered the leaders of BERSIH, the very people asking for clean and fair elections, arrested for attempting to hand the petition to the Parliament.
Pak Lah, you have declared in your BN mouthpiece, The Star, that you have ordered the arrests because "public safety above all". Pak Lah, do you bloody think that we are 3 year old kids? Are you trying to tell us that the rakyat, armed only with a few sheets of paper, approaching the Parliament on the edge of the city, is threatening the safety of Malaysians?
Pak Lah, please stop telling lies to our fellow Malaysians. You lied to the world when you declared that your cabinet comprised of 50% non-Malays.
Pak Lah, you promised us a less corrupt nation when you took over. Instead, we are more corrupt than ever, dropping a spot in international rankings for each year of your reign to 43rd this year.
Pak Lah, you also promised no more mega-bailouts, yet this year, you approved the biggest bailout ever in the history of Malaysia, attempting to rescue the unrescuable Port Klang Free Zone project with RM6.7 billion. And yet, the culprits for the fiasco has not been brought to book.
Pak Lah, you promised and boasted of greater press freedom, but interference in the mainstream media has never been more apparent! Malaysia crashed to its lowest ever press freedom ranking at 124th!
Pak Lah, most of all, you told us you wanted to hear the truth, no matter how much it hurts, but instead, you had your Minister of Misinformation, Datuk Zainuddin Maidin, tell the press editors that he'll only listen to Barisan Nasional component parties and not the media or the public. What's worse, there was never a denial that the instruction came from you!
Pak Lah, you said you were a Prime Minister for all Malaysians, but you declared Malaysia an Islamic state and concurred with your deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak that Malaysia was "never, never a secular state", a clear-cut defiance of the Federal Constitution, and discriminating against Malaysians' fundamental right to freedom of religion.
Pak Lah, you have clearly lost control of your administration. You have only demonstrated your utter incompetence, your lies and hypocrisy. Now, not only have I lost faith in your leadership, I have also lost faith in your integrity and piety.
Pak Lah, you are rubbish and you are a absolute disgrace to the nation.
第2次茅草行动箭在弦上 阿都拉受促听取慕沙谏言
12月10日 傍晚5点32分
“阿都拉在4年前上台时,公开承诺要捍卫与促进人权丶民主及法治原则,我现在要呼吁他 马上刹车,以免令国家的人权丶民主及法治冲下深渊。”
Another Hell Jam Created by Police
What the heck is going on with the police? It is becomoing a POLICE STATE.
Go and crack down the crime la ....... not craking down the people!
Friday, December 07, 2007
My Deepest Condolences
KLCC Night Scene
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
NUBE: Boycott Maybank

Lastly, this is what NUBE told us:
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Also a Problem?
Extremist demands for removal of cross and demolition of Christian statutes in mission schools
Found some details of mission schools at Wikipedea.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Eye on Malaysia
Friday, November 30, 2007
Health: Read It
PENANG: Pregnant women exposed to common household pesticides are putting their unborn babies at risk of developing breast cancer later on in life.
Even the slightest exposure to chemicals used in gardening and on insects and mosquitoes could cause dormant cancer cells to develop, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Asia Pacific scientist and PAN Aotearoa/New Zealand coordinator Dr Meriel Watts said at the PAN 25th Anniversary Conference.
Watts, who launched her book Pesticides and Breast Cancer: A Wake Up Call at the event Friday, said the book, which was a collation of scientific evidence spanning more than 30 years, provided compelling argument for preventing the exposure of women and girls to many of today’s commonly used pesticides.
"The book takes a very comprehensive look at 98 pesticides—including insecticides, herbicides and fungicides with the potential to cause breast cancer.
"One of the critical aspects is to see if these pesticides promote breast cancer cell growth especially at the foetal stage.
"Breast cancer is by far the most common cause of cancer in women throughout the world. The disease is also escalating in the Asia Pacific region. It is time for systemic change in our attitude to pesticides," she said, adding that the book which took three years to complete, was aimed at creating greater awareness about the dangers of pesticides not just for women who work in the fields, but also for expecting mothers and young girls.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
New Toll Rates
Why the toll for the other highways increase?
The reason is simple:
The reason for increasing toll rates at some of the highways was because there was low traffic, Samy Vellu said.
So, don't be too happy especially NSE & Penang Bridge users. You are actually paid for it even though the toll rates are not increase! Don't be too happy also for Rakyat of East Coast and East Malaysia that you think you will never feel the General Erection as you think you are not going to use that highway in your daily life. Bear in mind that the compensation is from our Tax Money, that you and me is paying every year. Why the contract is being draft in such a manner that the compensation is calculated based on traffic volume? When the Government draft that contract can't they projected the conservative figure? Who draft that blood sucking contract anyway?
In another report by, Deputy Works Minister Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed said that the toll rate per kilometre in Malaysia is still the cheapest in the region and every increase considered by the government is affordable to motorists.
Somehow he forgot what is the income per capital of Malaysian compared to the neighbouring countries. The same old lame excuse being used by the ministries.
KUALA LUMPUR: The toll on six highways will be raised by between 7.69% and 50% on Jan 1 but rates on four major ones, including the closed-toll portion of the North-South Expressway (NSE), will be maintained.
The highways where toll will be increased are the Seremban-Port Dickson Highway (SPDH), the North-South Central Link (Elite), the Butterworth-Kulim Expressway (BKE), the Second Link, the New North Klang Straits Bypass (NNKSB), the two ends of the NSE at the Johor Causeway and the Bukit Kayu Hitam toll plaza.
The Causeway and Bukit Kayu Hitam are the only two open toll portions of the NSE. A closed-toll system is where road users pay according to the distance travelled while the open concept charges a fixed fee regardless of mileage.
Elite is operated by Expressway Lingkaran Tengah Sdn Bhd, BKE by Malaysia Mining Corporation and NNKSB by Syarikat Konsesi. Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong. The NSE, SPDH and the Causeway are operated by PLUS Highway.

Please Register Yourself as Voter
Grab the chance while you still have to get yourself ready and vote for 12th GE if the GE fall in March 2008. Please register during this 4th quarter of 2007.
Its public relations officer Sabri Said said the roll contained the names of 412,756 voters, 308,076 of whom were newly registered ones and 104,680 were applications to change their voting address.
The roll will be gazetted today.
“The EC has omitted 141,063 names from the record of registered voters. The EC also received 1,381 applications for new registration and change of address, which could not be resolved because of claims and protests. We also received 1,873 objections for applications for parliamentary constituencies in Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang.
“This will be dealt with in the fourth quarter,” said Sabri in a statement here yesterday.
The number of registered voters is now 10.8 million.
“Voters are also encouraged to check their details on the electoral roll. They can make corrections by e-mailing,” said Sabri.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
And I am still waiting.
hmmm.... I need to go home by what ever mean! My son is waiting for me to pick him up. My wife still in foreign land (island). What a desperate situation for me, NOW!
Friday, November 23, 2007
I was from UPM and i spent 5 years plus there. That is why i feel shame! I feel shame not because the UPM out of THES 200 Top University. I feel shame not because i did not score CGPA 1st Class.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
New Jam on The Road
I was caught in jam this morning at BESRAYA after the Sungai Besi Toll.
A new crack down in on the way. As i said earlier, our Malaysia police got nothing better else to do..... Go and take care of people!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
PROTON End Talks
Closing price RM4.02, drop 92c, almost 18.6%.
By 3.06pm, Proton stock drop more than 92c and at one point drop to 96c.
"....the government decided to end the negotiations after studying recent positive developments in the car company."...
Consumer confidence in Proton cars has also improved, following stricter quality control. A poll showed that Proton's Consumer Satisfaction Index had risen to 713 points from 677 points last year.
Government said consumer confidence improved, but seem like the stock of PROTON not reflect that. Investors are "throwing" the shares. Refer the Figure. Should PROTON partner with foreign carmaker? I think in long term, Yes.
More news at The Star.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
ASTRO - Monopoly
731 BBC Entertainment
732 Crime & Investigation Network
733 Discovery Home & Health
734 Discovery Real Time
211 Sun TV
212 Sun Music
213 Chutti TV
121 Astro Aruna
122 Astro Kirana
303 KBS World
611 Astro Ceria
Conclusion: ASTRO is MONOPOLY!
Friday, November 16, 2007
He Knew It!
According to Merdeka Review:
and TheSun:
"I can't lie to you that I don't know when the next general election will be held. I can't tell you when, but I have given enough reminders to all to prepare for the polls," Bernama quoted Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman as saying.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thanks GOD, It Was Rejected!!
Those who went there for training eventually end up suffering.
Bravo!!! Save the millions pound!!!
My New Boss
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
SS & Denial Syndrome
We should keep on improving ourself and always compared to the others. When there is competition & pressure, then only you can improve fast. Maybe i am wrong ...... Maybe you have a better way ......
Monday, November 12, 2007
10th November 2007 - A Day to Remember
1. Kwang Hui & Family