This morning, early morning, my friend SMS me from Wangsa Maju Station, saying that LRT got problem again... But today i am not using Komuter to KL Sentral, then to KLCC. Instead i was driving this morning together with PL and Henn Henn, on the way to MIL house to pick up her mother, to see another doctor at Gleneagles. Oh ya, the medicine that my son took from the
clinic at Serdang Perdana, make him worst, cough even teruk, cannot sleep, cry all night, heart beat increase.... i guess something wrong with the medicine la, shit celaka. So now my wife drive Henn Henn and MIL and Sister to see doctor.
Back the story, normally i take Putra LRT at KL sentral, due to today event, i take Star LRT from Station Pudu, stop at Masjid Jamek. From there take Putra LRt to KLCC. The gate is closed, an officer standing near there, asking us to email, write to newspaper or what ever to complain his company. It was so confuse inside the station, no one know where to go, just wait la... and i am so lucky, only need to wait 5 minutes before the train come at Terminal 2 (suppose at Terminal 1). The train from KLCC reached Masjid Jamek then patah balik to KLCC. Somewhere in between KLCC and Ampang Park has problem..... Idiot, having problem at the wrong time.
Can Ministry of Transport make sure LRT company do thier job after the train service is over, to check, to investigate... And make compensation to all this commuters who kena trap in the trains, stations and time loss ......
P/S: For sure one thing, that today
The Sun won't hit 265,000 copies... a lot of people use bus instead of LRT to work today....